Record daily electricity production at Australian Makatiu Mountain wind project

On June 10, 2023, the power generation capacity of CEC’s Australian Mount Sheniu Project exceeded 3,374,300 kilowatt hours, setting a new record for daily power generation capacity since the project was put into operation.

In response to the gradual increase in wind speed in Tasmania in the second quarter, the company scientifically arranged the daily maintenance plan to seize the high wind speed conditions in time to ensure the achievement of “more power generation, more online access and more tariff collection”. to ensure that “more power is generated, more electricity is connected to the grid and more electricity is collected”. At the same time, the project company has been committed to optimising spare parts management to ensure the reliability of equipment and the safe and smooth operation of the system. The project company has taken a series of measures to establish a detailed ledger and list management system for both regular spare parts and IDF spare parts, implement a regular collection and replenishment mechanism, and set up a dedicated team to keep an eye on the inventory and delivery of key IDF spare parts to avoid downtime caused by spare parts shortage and reduce power generation losses to the maximum extent.

Through the effective implementation of various management measures and driven by the continuous improvement in equipment performance and spare parts management, the project’s power generation reached 52,545,100 kWh in May, an increase of 38.74% year-on-year.

The project is CEC’s first renewable energy project in a developed market. The investment and development of the project has successfully expanded CEC’s international business layout, optimised CEC’s overseas asset structure, accumulated valuable experience for CEC’s investment, construction and operation projects in developed countries, and created a valuable opportunity to adapt to the developed country market, use international capital financing and familiarise with the rules of the power industry in developed countries, which is of great strategic significance.

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