Westinghouse secures agreement to supply nuclear fuel to SNEC VVER-440

Slovakia’s State Electricity Company (SE) and U.S.-based Westinghouse recently signed a long-term agreement for the licensing and supply of VVER-440 nuclear fuel as part of a plan to diversify the supply of fuel to Slovakia’s Mohovce nuclear power plant.

France’s Framatome said in June 2023 that it has been asked by all European power companies operating VVER units, including Slovakia’s State Power, to cooperate in the development of VVER-440 fuel.

Mohovce has four VVER-440 units: units 1 and 2 were commissioned in 1998 and 1999, respectively; construction of units 3 and 4 started in 1987 but was suspended in 1993 and resumed in 2009; and unit 3 achieved its first grid connection in 20231.

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