World’s Largest Clean Energy Corridor Goes All Out to Secure Electricity Demand

Recently, the whole country has been in the “baking” mode, and the load of electricity consumption continues to rise. Three Gorges Group Yangtze River power effectively take up the responsibility of the summer peak power supply, to protect the people’s production and living power needs in the region. since July, the Yangtze River mainstem 6 ladder power station on the 11th, 12th two consecutive days of the peak amount of record-breaking, the highest peak amount of more than 32 million kilowatts, a steady stream of green power to help the power grid, and effectively alleviate the tension in the power of East China, Central China and other regions. Three Gorges Group

Three Gorges Group’s six terraced power stations on the Yangtze River’s main stream, namely Udongde, Baihetan, Xiluodu, Xiangjiaba, Three Gorges and Gezhouba, constitute the world’s largest clean energy corridor. This green energy corridor, a total of 110 hydroelectric generating units installed, with a total installed capacity of 71.695 million kilowatts, equivalent to the installed capacity of the “Three Gorges”, with an average annual power generation capacity of about 300 billion kilowatt-hours, which can satisfy the electricity needs of more than 300 million people in a year, and can save more than 90 million tons of standard coal each year, and reduce the emission of carbon dioxide by more than 240 million tons. 20% of the total installed capacity of these six power stations are in the Yangtze River. On December 20, 2022, all units of Baihetan Hydropower Station will be put into operation, and the new pattern of “six reservoirs and joint regulation” will be fully formed, and five of the six power stations will be the backbone of the national “West-East Electricity Transmission” strategy.

Since the beginning of summer this year, Three Gorges Group Yangtze River Power has been actively preparing for the peak summer “baking”, running and managing six terraced power stations, closely tracking the demand for grid loads while putting quality and safety in the first place, continuing to grasp the safety production, carefully organizing the operation and management of the power stations, closely monitoring the operating conditions of the equipment in an all-round way, carrying out scientific equipment diagnosis and analysis, and ensuring that the units should be fired as much as possible. The company carefully organizes the operation and management of power stations, closely monitors the operating conditions of equipment in all aspects, and carries out equipment diagnosis and analysis in a scientific manner to ensure that the units should be fired as much as possible and can be fired more.

Careful management of equipment overhaul. Yangtze River Power rigidly controls the duration and quality of annual maintenance of equipment and facilities. On June 9, it successfully completed the annual maintenance work of 2022-2023 for the ladder power stations, and all the overhauled units have achieved 100% excellence, which provides a solid guarantee for the safe and stable operation of the ladder power stations, peak power generation and reliable supply of power from power grids.

Lean equipment operation and management. In view of the operating characteristics of the source network during the summer peak period, focusing on the high temperature, rainstorms and other inclement weather, Yangtze River Power increases the frequency and intensity of inspections, strengthens the analysis of equipment operation trends, and ensures the safe and stable operation of the cascade power stations with large loads, long cycles, and uninterrupted operation. At the same time, the strict implementation of power generation plans and scheduling instructions, timely adjustment of unit output, to ensure that the unit output implementation accurately in place.

Accurately manage joint dispatching. Strengthen hydrometeorology, weather monitoring and forecasting in the power receiving area, carry out forecasting and prediction of the incoming water in the upper Yangtze River Basin with the forecasting and prediction of “10 days to see the trend, 5 days to see the magnitude, and 2 days to set the process”, increase the efforts of communication and coordination with the higher-level scheduling departments, study and judge the power generation capacity of the power station and the power demand in the power receiving area, and dynamically optimize the operation mode of the joint scheduling of the power stations on a gradient basis, and give full play to the energy supply of large hydropower. Give full play to the role of “ballast” and “stabilizer” of large hydropower energy supply. By the end of June, the company had held more than 30 meetings with the grid scheduling agencies, trading centers, the Yangtze River Basin Meteorological Center, and the Hydrological Bureau of the Yangtze River Commission, and submitted more than 540 scheduling plans.

As of July 12, the world’s largest clean energy corridor was running smoothly, with all generating units in safe and stable operation, with up to 97 units in peak operation of the six terraced power stations, with the highest single-day power generation exceeding 900 million kWh, and the peak volume exceeding 32 million kW on the 12th, which is equivalent to the peak capacity of 26 1.2-million-kilowatt pumped-storage power stations, and breaking the peak volume of 26,175,000 kW in 2022 for two consecutive days. On July 11, all 8 units of Xiangjiaba Hydropower Station were fully loaded, and all 16 units of Baihetan Hydropower Station were in full operation for the first time. On July 12, Xiluodu, Gezhouba and Baihetan hydropower stations were in full operation, making positive contributions to the safe supply of electricity and the green, low-carbon transformation and development of energy in China.

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