Multiple power outages in Brazil, states scramble to restore power

At 8:31 local time on August 15, Brazil, a total of 25 states and the capital Brasilia in the Federal District power outages, the country only Roraima state (Roraima) was not affected.

Brazil’s National Electricity Dispatch Center released on the same day, said the Brazilian power grid system failure led to the country’s northeastern and northern states part of the power system and the main network, which in turn affects the power supply to the southeastern states.

After the power outage, the state power sector immediately organized repair to restore power supply.

According to a number of Brazilian media reports, Brazil’s national blackout directly led to traffic chaos. Subway operations in several cities were affected, platforms were overcrowded, and some passengers who were already on the train before the blackout had to walk along the tracks. The blackout also caused traffic lights to stop working and road traffic was greatly affected.

In places such as Pará and Amapá, in addition to the power cuts, there were also water cuts. However, local officials said that water supply will be gradually restored to all areas where it has been cut off after the power supply is restored.

São Paulo page packages reported that Brazil’s Energy and Mining Minister Alexandre Silveira has ordered an investigation into the specific cause of the widespread power outages.

As of 10:45 or so, Brazil’s southern, southeastern and central and western regions of the power supply is basically back to normal, the northern region of the power system is still in repair and restoration.

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