Electrical Knowledge | The guardians of the power system: protective relays and protective devices

A power system is a whole consisting of power sources, transmission lines, substations and consumers, which provides the necessary electricity for people’s production and life. However, during the operation of a power system, faults can be triggered for various reasons, such as faults in power equipment, weather changes, etc. If these faults are not protected in time, they can have a serious impact on the entire power system. Therefore, the role of protective relays and protection devices for power systems is very important.

I. Protective relays

A protective relay is an electrical device used for the protection of the power system. It can detect faults in the power system and take corresponding measures when faults occur in order to protect the safe and stable operation of the power system. The main functions of a protective relay are as follows:

1. Detecting faults in the power system

The protective relay can determine whether a fault has occurred by detecting parameters such as current, voltage and frequency in the power system. Once a fault has occurred, the protective relay will take corresponding measures in time to avoid the expansion of the fault.

2. Protecting the safety of power equipment

In power systems, all kinds of power equipment have their own protective relays to ensure that they can operate properly. For example, the protective relays for transformers can detect parameters such as transformer temperature, oil level and oil pressure in order to protect the transformer.

3. Improving the reliability of power systems

Protective relays improve the reliability of the power system by preventing it from stopping due to a fault. When a fault occurs in the power system, the protective relay can promptly remove the faulty circuit and switch to the backup circuit to ensure a stable power supply to the power system.

II. Protection device

A protective device is an electrical device that protects the power system by detecting parameters in the power system. The role of a protective device is similar to that of a protective relay, but the protective device is usually designed to protect a specific piece of electrical equipment. The main functions of a protective device are as follows:

1. Protection for a specific electrical equipment

Protection devices are usually designed to protect a specific electrical equipment. For example, transformer protection devices can detect transformer current, voltage, temperature, oil level and other parameters in order to protect the safe and stable operation of the transformer. Different electrical equipment requires different protection devices for protection.

2. Fast removal of faulty circuits

Protection devices can quickly remove faulty circuits by detecting parameters such as fault currents in the power system in order to avoid the expansion of faults. When a fault occurs in the power system, the protection device can remove the faulty circuit in time to avoid the fault causing serious impact on the whole power system.

3. Improve the reliability of the power system

Protection devices can prevent the power system from stopping due to faults, thus improving the reliability of the power system. When a fault occurs in the power system, the protection device can promptly remove the faulty circuit and switch to the backup circuit to ensure a stable power supply to the power system.

III. Classification of protective relays and protective devices

According to the scope and function of protection, protective relays and protective devices can be divided into different types.

1. Classification according to the scope of protection

Protective relays and protective devices can be divided into different types such as generator protection, substation protection, transmission line protection and distribution line protection, etc., for the protection of different power equipment.

2. Classification by protection function

Protective relays and protective devices can be classified according to the different protection functions into different types such as over-current protection, over-voltage protection, under-voltage protection, earthing protection, over-frequency protection and low-frequency protection to protect against different faults.

IV. Application of protective relays and protection devices

Protective relays and protective devices are widely used in power systems and play an important role in the safe and stable operation of power systems.

1. Protection of generators and transformers

Generators and transformers are one of the most important pieces of power equipment in the power system. Protective relays and protective devices can detect their temperature, oil level, oil pressure and other parameters in order to protect their safe and stable operation.

2. Protecting transmission and distribution lines

Transmission and distribution lines are one of the most important pieces of power transmission equipment in the power system. Protection relays and protection devices can detect their current, voltage and other parameters to avoid the expansion of faults.

3. Protecting the safe and stable operation of the power system

Protective relays and protective devices prevent the power system from stopping due to faults, thus ensuring the safe and stable operation of the power system. When a fault occurs in the power system, protective relays and protective devices can remove the faulty circuit and switch to the backup circuit in time to ensure a stable power supply to the power system.

5. Improving the reliability of the power system

Protective relays and protective devices prevent the power system from stopping due to faults, thus improving the reliability of the power system. When a fault occurs in the power system, protective relays and protective devices can remove the faulty circuit and switch to the standby circuit in time to ensure a stable power supply to the power system.

In short, protective relays and protective devices are very important equipment in the power system. They can detect faults in the power system, protect the safety of power equipment, improve the reliability of the power system and enhance the safe and stable operation of the power system. During the construction and operation of the power system, the importance of protective relays and protective devices must be fully considered, reasonably selected, installed and commissioned to ensure the safe and stable operation of the power system.

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